How to Save Money on Your Heating This Winter and Still Have a Warm Christmas

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    Nov 21, 2012
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As we move towards the coldest months of the year it is clear that we all need to work out how to stay warm without spending a fortune on it. This can seem impossible at first and the thought of giant winter heating bills is almost enough to put us off the idea of Christmas time. However, the good news is that there are some very simple tips you can put intopractise to stay warm while keeping your heating costs under control.

Buy Kerosene in Advance

When we suffer an especially tough winter – like in 2010 – the domestic oil price tends to rocket, while it can sometimeseven be difficult to get hold of what you need. This is due in part to the increased level of demand for kerosene when the mercury falls on our thermometers and also due to blocked and icy roads disrupting the delivery process. It is a far better idea to stock up in advance and get a good price and some peace of mind. This means getting an online heating oil quote well before you need it and having one less thing to worry about in the run up to Christmas.

Sort Out Your Insulation

If your home doesn’t have loft insulation and cavity wall insulation then you will be spending a fair bit of money on producing heat which escapes from it far too quickly. It might seem like a fairly big expense to get this done but once you get your home’s insulation right you will see the benefits when the temperature plunges and you need to turn up the heating dial. In fact, some UK homeowners can even get the cavity wall insulation work done for free, so this is worth investigating.

A simpler trick involves simply making sure that any cracks under your doors or between your windows and window frames are sealed before the cold weather starts to bite.

Use Your Heat Wisely

Once you have bought your kerosene oil in advance and sorted out your insulation it is simply time to use the heating wisely. This means turning it up high only when you really need it. If you can still be comfortable with more layers of clothes on and less heating then this is fine. You should then turn it down a notch when you go out or slip into bed. Apart from this, you should also think about making the most of the heat you generate when you use the oven or take a hotshower. There is no need to have your heating up full all day and all night long, as this is only going to cost you moremoney on kerosene without giving you any real benefits.

Using kerosene to heat your property this winter will ensure you don't get any nasty shocks when your bill comes through and yet you still enjoy a warm Christmas.

Author's Profile

James Charles is a frequent contributor for Fuelfighter and has written many articles pertaining to all things regarding domestic heating oil, energy saving tips especially on such subjects as making the best of your precious boilerjuice for your heating requirements. For more details visit

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